New President Gail McGovern’s Reaction to Red Cross Hurricane Response

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Gail J. McGovern meeting Red Cross headquarters senior leadership Gail J. McGovern meeting Red Cross staff
Red Cross CEO and President Gail McGovern is interviewed in the newest edition of Chronicle of Philanthropy:

How has the Red Cross handled the current hurricane season?

Ms. McGovern: I am astonished at what our organization can pull off. Watching the disasters-operations entity in person is probably one of the finest examples I’ve ever seen in material logistics. It’s really been something. The way our volunteers will pack up, leave their families, and tirelessly help victims of disasters – it really restores your faith in the American public and it’s a beautiful thing to behold.

Do you want to get involved? Contact your local chapter so you can be ready to help.

If you’re in the Rock River Region you can sign up to volunteer here.

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